Repairs & Adjustments
At Chelmer Village Opticians we are able to carry out many repairs and adjustments. Most of the repairs are carried out on site.
Our repair and adjustment service includes:
* Emergency glasses repair
* Tightening of loose screws -including Sunglasses and Rimless spectacles
* Facial adjustments for facial symmetry
* Frame adjustments
* Fixing broken spectacles
* Replacement of Temple Tips
* Replacement of Nosepads
* Replacement of Nosebridges
This service is normally done within the hour and in our practice. If and when replacement parts are needed, then a small charge will be required prior to any works carried out.
As with any repairs that we carry out, it is all done at your own risk, however a member of staff will always explain this upon inspection of your spectacles/sunglasses.
If in the event that your spectacles/sunglasses cannot be repaired, we will then try our best to find replacement parts or investigate to see if we find the same make and model.
Please note for patients who have purchased spectacles from ourselves then this is a service that we would normally provide free of charge.